Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi all!
So, for those of you who don't know, I'll be living in the UK for the coming four(ish) months and studying at Oxford, and I thought this was a perfect time to start writing in my blog again, seeing as everyone's favorite thing is read the thoughts of people studying abroad...right? I'm already there, spending a little over a week in London and Dublin (mostly the former, two days in the latter) prior to embarking to campus for my studies.
While future posts will feature more in-depth thought, I'm tired, and will wait to post a couple pictures tomorrow from today (and any I take tomorrow,) all with comments.
Hope this can give you a window into my time,
PS To further emphasize this new era of blogging, in which I actually am I have renamed it for now, as I never liked "Musings," and I chose this (temporary? permanent?) name from a quote in Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, in which she talks about blind people receiving site for the first time, and how depth and seemingly intrinsic differences between objects and things don't yet exist. In trying to bring herself to such a point, she notes how our habitual vision is near impossible to return from, that she can't "unpeach the peach," and I hope that any writing/thinking we do is aimed at least in part at that very thing: taking seeming givens and letting them melt before our eyes.
Not sure what that has to do with consistency (I'll think of something tomorrow,) but principally it's a change.

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