Sunday, November 8, 2009

Riga Photos

I realized the other day I'll never get around to editing these, so I might as well just upload them. Also, I can't sleep and I felt like posting them now.
Riga colors




One in a series of funny taxi ads (more later)

Opera House

Cuckoo House/Clock

God's house

Somebody's (pretty) house

View from the highest building in Riga

More from high up

Important Lutheran Cathedral

Orthodox Cathedral


Soy Sauce

Tour guide and friend

Communist statue

Dan Randall, SPU/Duke Divinity alum

Another taxi ad

I wish I'd caught his upper body; this recorder(ist?) had birds all over himself. Tried too hard to be discreet.

Occupation museum; protester of some sort



Some sort of art made by victims

Latvian Poet


Black Balsam. Medicinal, alcoholic and gross.

Brent, Alex and Nate make Thai dinner (taken by Brent)

1 comment:

Laura G said...

Thanks for posting these, Nate! It's good to see what you guys are up to...

Che Guevara wears Bart Simpson. Perfect.